
Iran National Hapkido Championships 2013

Iran National Hapkido Championships 2013 at Gorgan Golestan, Iran, Sep 11~13, 2013. Hosted by Master Alireza Yazdizadeh, more


Mr. Terry R. O'Connell is recognized as a member of Hapkidowon.

Jung Martial Arts Family Center is recognized as a charter school of HAPKIDOWON (World Hapkido Headquarters) in Williamsport, PA USA more


Mr. Daniel Sng is recognized as a member of Hapkidowon.

Sun Hapkido Academy Singapore is recognized as a charter school of HAPKIDOWON (World Hapkido Headquarters) in Singapore more


The 11th Dutch Open Hapkido Championship - ONK 2013 Hapkido

The 11th Dutch Open Hapkido Championship, April 14, 2013 - Culemborg, Netherlands, Supervised by World Hapkidowon. more


Grandmaster Hong Sik Myung was certified Hapkido 10th Dan

GM Hong Sik Myung was awarded a 10th degree (SIB DAN) Hapkido Black Belt by Great GM Seo Bok Seop in Dec 19th 2012 in Seoul Korea. GM Hong Sik Myung is the only 10th Dan, the highest rank by Great GM Seo

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